
Posts by: Rob Keefer



By Rob Keefer

Simplicity promotes peace of mind. Without peace of mind, the troubles you see get translated into your product, into your agenda-less meeting, into a sense of malaise, unease, and unhappiness.

Elevate Others with an Engineered Experience

Elevate Others with an Engineered Experience

By Rob Keefer

Whether it's a hotel guest who is late for a plane or an impatient boss at an upcoming team meeting, those who view work as a craft will engineer these experiences and elevate the people around them.

Value of True Artisanship

Value of True Artisanship

By Rob Keefer

We too easily forget that our work can stand the test of time. An artisan continues the relentless pursuit of quality, despite understanding that their life might end before they realize their vision.

A Guide to Clear Communication

A Guide to Clear Communication

By Rob Keefer

Clear communication of our thoughts and ideas has a staggering level of complexity. It is part science, part art, and very messy. This short guide may help you deal with the complexity.

Incrementally Break Constraints in Business Processes

Incrementally Break Constraints in Business Processes

By Rob Keefer

By directly addressing the complexities of wing design, the Wright brothers managed to pioneer heavier than air flight in just three years. What could your organization accomplish if you knocked down your bottlenecks?

Fail Smart, Not Just Fast

Fail Smart, Not Just Fast

By Rob Keefer

While the "fail fast" ethos is good for innovation, performing analysis as part of your project's planning phase can help you understand risks before they materialize and then plan to avoid them.

Introduction to Information Architecture

Introduction to Information Architecture

By Rob Keefer

Software companies that take the time to understand Information Architecture generate revenues up to seven percent higher than those that don’t. It is critical to know how the parts relate to the whole.

Delegate and Let Go

Delegate and Let Go

By Rob Keefer

Delegation is a key to achieving the type of harmony we all seek at work.

Don’t Interrupt the Team! Two Ways to Know How Your Team is Doing without Interruption

Don’t Interrupt the Team! Two Ways to Know How Your Team is Doing without Interruption

By Rob Keefer

Two simple practices will increase your team’s productivity and help you always know how things are going.

Weekly Time Management For a Happier You

Weekly Time Management For a Happier You

By Rob Keefer

Weekly planning and prioritizing tasks can minimize distraction and help you focus.